Dare to Take the Challenge?
Our Enrolment Process
Complete our Expression of Interest Form
This adds you to our Recruiting Mailing List, allowing our Recruiting Officer to email you with more info
Prior to an Open Night
In order to start the Recruiting Process, we'll need you to complete an NZCF2A Terms and Conditions Form, and our Uniform Sizing Form
Please note, if you are signing up more than one Recruit, you will need to complete an NZCF2A and Sizing Form for each of them.
This can then be submitted in person on a Parade Night (Our weekly meetings) or, preferably, by emailing our Recruiting Officer
Attend a Recruiting Open Night
After completing our Expression of Interest Form, we will provide you with the date of our next Recruiting Open Night.
These are evenings typically run on Wednesday nights where we provide further information to parents / guardians, and allow potential recruits to gain some insight into our training and activities
Download a Recruit Information Handbook
This booklet contains information for Parents / Guardians and Recruits
Final Steps
Upon completing and submitting your completed NZCF2A, you will be emailed a link to our Cadet Enrolment Form.
After completing and submitting this form, you'll be able to begin attending our Parade Nights!